Welcome to Reception
Reception Chad: Laura Geobey, Laura Brookes and Haleema Tariq
Reception Vale: Sukhdeep Shergill, Juliet Onyeama, Tara Sode and Darren Hemmings
Laura Geobey - l.geobey@chadvale.bham.sch.uk
Laura Brookes - l.brookes@chadvale.bham.sch.uk
Haleema Tariq - h.tariq@chadvale.bham.sch.uk
Sukhdeep Shergill - s.shergill@chadvale.bham.sch.uk
Juliet Onyeama - j.onyeama@chadvale.bham.sch.uk
Tara Sode - t.sode@chadvale.bham.sch.uk
Darren Hemmings - d.hemmings@chadvale.bham.sch.uk
Autumn Term
Throughout the year Reception will be focusing on The Early Years Outcomes for:
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
In the Early Years, we believe that each area is as important as each other and inextricably linked. Whilst literacy and mathematics are important, the skills required to succeed in these subjects can not be fully achieved if the other areas are ignored. This is why play forms an important part of our curriculum so that children can develop their confidence and ability to talk and socialise with their peers.
The first few weeks of the autumn term are spent settling the children into school and helping them familiarise themselves with their classroom, new rules and routines. Children are escorted into school by their class teachers. Parents are not permitted inside the school building and if late, children should be signed in at the main entrance.
Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
In Reception, we follow the Department for Education validated phonics programme, Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised. Phonic sessions take place daily building on prior learning.
The key features are as follows
direct teaching in frequent, short bursts
consistency of approach
secure, systematic progression in phonics learning
maintaining pace of learning
providing repeated practice
application of phonics using matched decodable books
early identification of children at risk of falling behind, linked to the provision of effective keep-up support.
To consolidate their learning, children take part in adult-led literacy activities throughout the week, whilst also having access to paper and other writing implements in both the indoor and outdoor learning environments. Children are encouraged to practise and apply their literacy skills during their play-based learning e.g. by writing a shopping list or making a sign for a den.
Teachers read at least one story every day during which, they ask pupils questions to gauge their understanding.
Children have Guided Reading twice a week where they develop their textual understanding. Guided Reading sessions are teacher led however pupils have access to a wide range of books to choose from throughout the day.
Information about home reading will be given in due course.
Baseline Assessment
During the first six weeks of school teachers will carry out the National Reception Baseline Assessment for each child. This is used in conjunction with nursery transition documents, information gained during parent meetings and observations to identify areas for development and inform teacher planning.
The Chad Vale homework policy stipulates that teachers must set homework, however must not demand for it to be returned. Children who do return homework are rewarded with stickers and after 10 pieces of homework are completed, receive a Homework Certificate.
Homework is given out once a week in order to support the learning taking place in school. Whilst English and maths are important, we may also send a variety of activities which link to other areas of the EYFS framework.
It is your decision whether homework is completed however we strongly encourage you to read with your child on a daily basis.
At Chad Vale we use Education City to help teach certain concepts of maths and literacy. At some point, children will be given an Education City log-on which they can access from home. Children will be able to play games set by their class teacher but may also explore other activities on the website whenever they like.
Homework is not set weekly on Education City however teachers may occasionally set activities related to any units of work that are covered.
In Reception, children have a snack every morning but they also have the opportunity to have another snack later in the afternoon. We provide snacks (fruit) however some parents might like to provide their child with a snack from home.
These should be brought in a small container which can be placed in the child’s class tray.
We ask that all children bring a drinks bottle from home.
When children come into school, they are reminded to take their snacks and bottles out of their bags and put them in the appropriate places. Bags are not checked by teaching staff as children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own belongings. It can take time for some children to get used to but with lots of encouragement, they soon understand. Please ensure all bottles are labelled with your child's name.
P.E. is taught every Wednesday by our Sports Teacher Mr. Bowen. Lessons mainly take place in the Studio but during the summer months, Reception are taken outside onto the MUGA and field. During P.E. lessons children will take part in gymnastics, games and dance activities. Due to changes brought about by the Cornavirus, children will not be getting changed in school and are required to come to school in their P.E. kits each Wednesday.
And finally…
Please check your child’s bag daily for letters and ensure you are signed up to MarvellousMe to receive weekly updates regarding your child's learning.
Reception Overview
Home Learning Support
More information and curriculum support can be found by clicking on the links found at the top right of the page.
If you do have any questions or if there is anything you would like to discuss with us then please come and see us or email us.