We believe that Physical Education plays an essential role in a broad and balanced primary curriculum. Chad Vale pupils are taught the importance of exercise and regular physical activity as part of a healthy active lifestyle. From Reception the message that children should be active for a minimum of 60 minutes each day is shared with our children and families.
In PE lessons Chad Vale pupils are given the opportunity to experience a wide range of physical activity and sport. They are encouraged to enjoy being active and to embrace the opportunities and challenges that sport and regular physical activity can provide.
Through PE pupils are taught the skills required to:
Work together
Respect themselves, team mates, opponents and the officials/referees
How to solve problems and outwit openers
How challenge themselves
How to organise and officiate sporting activities
To reflect and assess performances
How to exercise safely and effectively.
To teach pupils to understand the importance of being healthy and the role physical activity can play in that
To create a learning environment where pupils enjoys PE lessons and want to be physically active
To teach the full breadth of the PE curriculum across the primary age range, giving pupils access to a wide range athletics, dance, games, gymnastics, outdoor activities and swimming through high quality PE lessons
To provide an inclusive environment where all pupils have access to enjoyable and challenging PE lessons and extra-curricular sporting activities
To enable our pupils to be resilient and solve problems whilst working both independently and as part of a group or team
To understand that it’s ok to make mistakes, but that’s it’s important to learn from those mistakes and improve
That pupils develop the confidence, knowledge and skills to take part in organised competitive sport and independent physical activities
All pupils have 2 hours of high quality PE lessons in their school timetable each week
Specialist PE teachers and sports coaches are employed to deliver PE lessons and extra-curricular sporting activities
Suitably differentiated lessons/schemes of work are designed and delivered to meet the needs of all pupils
Regular CPD opportunities for staff to improve their practice delivering PE
Effective assessment ensures that pupils’ attainment is tracked and that PE lessons delivered meet their needs
Pathways are provided for pupils that wish to engage in extra-curricular sports and physical activities
The profile of sport and physical activity is maintained by the subject co-ordinator by sharing pupils achievements in assemblies, newsletters and the school’s social media channels.
Pupils’ voice is heard through the election of Sports Captains (subject ambassadors) who are elected by their peers and communicate directly with the subject co-ordination.
Sport and physical activity is popular among Chad Vale pupils
Extra-curricular clubs, which run four days a week, are oversubscribed.
The number of pupils that apply for the position of ‘Sports Captain’ each year mean classes hold elections to determine which pupils will undertake the role
The school traditionally runs teams in Athletics, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Handball, Swimming, Tennis, Rounders and Rugby.
So many pupils wish to take part in inter school sports activities so we offer ‘B’ and ‘C’ teams in a number of sports
Intra-School Sport has become a feature of the KS2 school schedule, providing an inclusive environment for pupils to experience an introduction to organised/competitive sport and physical activities
The school has held the Gold School Games Award since 2016, reflecting our provision of physical education and extra-curricular sports activities.
Supporting the Healthy, Active Lifestyles message we promote through the school all our Y6 pupils have the opportunity to undertake the Level 1 and 2 Bikeability course each year
The School PE Lead works closely with a number of local primary and secondary schools to ensure that pupils in schools across the district/sports partnership have access to a range of inert school sports activities
The school has built links with a number of local sports clubs, providing pathways for pupils to take part in a number of sports outside of school
Ex-pupils regularly return to the school requesting to work with PE staff at Chad Vale when they need to undertake their KS4 work placements.

"I wanted to let everyone in my class have a chance to participate in the inter-form sports competitions" Alexandros
"It's a big responsibility and I know that I'm not that good at sports, but I make a good captain because of my leadership skills" Akshaya
"I choose the children who are capable of doing the inter-form sports competitions. I really like gymnastics because it's a great stress reliever. I attend a local gym club twice a week and I'm currently working on my round-off flick straight back!" Artezina
"I like playing and organising sports. I really enjoy the role because we got to choose the events for inter-form competitions this year." Isaiah

School Games Mark Platinum
Chad Vale Primary School has held the School Games Mark for 7 years in a row.
The criteria of the School Games Mark aligns directly with the School Games outcomes. Chad Vale has demonstrated how they are/have:
maintaining and growing your school’s engagement in the School Games and your delivery of 60 active minutes for every child
create positive experiences by ensuring physical activity and competition provision is designed to reflect the motivation, competence and confidence of your young people and has a clear intent
a clear focus on transition points and how secondary schools engage in the School Games
create positive experiences to support character development of targeted young people
advocated to key stakeholders how the School Games makes a meaningful difference to the lives of children and young people, including engaging and educating parents.
PE in Action
Curriculum Overview