Are You Entitled to Free School Meals?
The school has recently paid for an electronic access facility to check whether any parents’ child is entitled to a free school meal. This service is free and can be accessed by any parent. If you are unsure as to whether your child is entitled to a free school meal then please come into school and Miss Green will check your entitlement (it will take no more than 5 minutes of your time). You will need to bring with you your National Insurance Number, your full name and your date of birth.
If you wish these details can be left with Miss Green at the beginning of school and the results will be given to you at the end of the school day. Your personal details will be shredded once used. This service is confidential. Entitlement to free school meals also provides the school with additional ‘Pupil Premium’ money from the government (£1300) which if necessary can also be used to pay for trips, residential's and one-to-one academic support for your child.