Could you please ensure your child is wearing the correct uniform to school.
All children attending Chad Vale Primary School are required to wear:
Pale blue or white polo shirt, school shirt or blouse
Royal blue sweatshirts, jumpers, cardigans or fleece. These items should be plain and suitable for school wear, with or without the school logo
Blue and white summer dress/pinafore
Grey/black skirt or pinafore
Full-length or short black/grey school trousers
Grey or black leggings, grey/black tights or grey/black/white socks
Clothing must not have any logo other than the Chad Vale Logo
Children must wear sensible school shoes that are black or brown
Small and sensible hair bands or bows that are blue, white or black
Chad Vale pupils taking part in PE will need to wear suitable PE active wear to school on the days of their PE lessons. This is for health and safety and personal hygiene reasons.
A plain white t-shirt (preferably with the school crest on the left breast)
A plain royal blue jumper for when PE takes place outside on cold days - the Chad Vale school jumper is perfect for this
Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings/netball skirt
Trainers or pumps
During the summer we request that a peaked cap is added to the PE kit and that sun tan cream is worn.
Pupils taking part in swimming lessons will be provided with an additional list detailing the required swimming kit.
For health and safety reasons no jewellery is permitted to be worn during PE.
All children must wear the Chad Vale uniform on any and every occasion when they are representing the school or leaving the school premises on a trip.
The following items are not suitable for school:
Designer or fashion jeans
'Hipster' or 'combat' trousers
Accessories such as chains or fashion belts
Flashing or open-toed shoes
Trainer-shoes with logos or designer/brand names
Shoes with heels
Ugg boots
All items must be clearly labelled with your child’s name and class.
Jewellery is not encouraged in school, as it is dangerous during physical activities. If your child has pierced ears, please ensure that only studs are worn.
Make-up is not allowed in school, including nail varnish, lipstick, eyeliner or blusher
Deodorant is encouraged for children who need it, but please apply at home. Aerosols are not permitted in school.
Please visit the uniform page on the school website for details of our suppliers and to purchase uniform with our school logo. Alternatively, generic royal blue uniform from elsewhere is absolutely fine.
Chad Vale Uniform is available from any of the websites below: