Welcome to Year 4
Year 4 Chad: Mr Clark, Mrs Nayab and Ms Patel
Year 4 Vale: Mrs Gaines, Mrs Moore, Mr Fennech and Miss Gebremichael
Spring Term
Initially, the children will learn formal methods of multiplication and division. This will be followed by analysing a range of graphs and charts.
Creating a greater depth of understanding is a key aspect of the curriculum. With this in mind, we aim to involve children in problem-solving and investigative activities, where they will expected to explain fully how they have tackled a mathematical problem.
This term we will be using ‘The Write Stuff’ as our model for writing. Children will learn the features of different text types and then apply these to their very own version. We will be focusing on poetry, fairy tales and persuasive writing. You can support this by helping your child select books of the same genre.
Also, during English, there will be an emphasis on S.P.A.G (Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar).
In Year 4, your child will take part in daily ‘Whole Class Reading’. During this, the children will read a wide variety of text extracts and whole texts, with a different focus each day, such as prediction or inference.
We cannot emphasise enough the importance of reading. Research shows that children who read well, write well. Please ensure that your children read every evening.
This term, Year 4 will be studying the Anglo-Saxons. Children will have the opportunity to develop their independent learning through a research project on this topic, they will be learning about why the Anglo-Saxons invaded and settled in England, how places got their names and Anglo-Saxon daily life.
In geography lessons this term, the children will be learning about mountains around the world and geographical features of the U.K.
For the art element of our topic, we shall be looking at a variety of methods of colouring fabric including tie dye and fabric painting.
Our science study this term will be states of matter. During this unit, the children will be observing how some materials change state when they are heated or cooled. We will also study the processes of evaporation and condensation and how these processes are relevant to our everyday lives. To reinforce the children’s understanding of states of matter, we have also booked an exciting visit to The Think Tank!
PE, Music and Computing
In computing, children will use laptops and iPads to develop designing and controlling skills and create their own html codes. We will also learn about computer networks.
For the first half-term, swimming lessons for 4 Vale will continue on Mondays. 4 Chad will swim on Mondays after half-term. PE lessons for both classes will be on Fridays. Areas covered will include gymnastic sequences and dance.
During music, the children will learn the features of rap and gospel/soul music.
The Year 4 Team
Year 4 Chad Teacher
Year 4 Vale Teachers